Saturday, May 18, 2013

My boyfriend Sev told me I should write another book. He works overnight and I have to amuse myself for the 12 hours he's gone, unless I fall asleep. Which isn't often. I'm a terrible sleeper.

I figured I'd start here until the mood strikes me to write longer entries that could turn into chapters. Or maybe I'll just turn these thoughts into a book, who knows? I'd love to actually get one of my novels published, rather than letting them collect dust on my bookshelf in almost-finished form. Perpetually almost-finished is what they've been for years, but no one knows but me. And my boyfriend, of course, which is precisely why he wants me to write more.

I don't think I'll be writing much unless I have something interesting to say. This post doesn't count because every blog needs a first post that's boring so people can know to expect more. I hope someone reads this and lets me know they do so, that way I'll feel like I'm doing this for someone other than myself. Which would be nice.

Call me Katy. That's not my name, but it'll do for now.

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